8ball - Asks your question to the magic 8ball
Embed - Sends a message in embed
Say - Replies with a message you provide
Start - Starts a number guessing game
Roll-dice - Similar to Start, but here the number is between 1 and 6, and the number of your guesses are limited
Stop - Stops your started guessing game
Add - Adds an answer to a question (example: 8!add how are you? I'm fine, thanks!)
Removeanswer - Removes an answer that was added by you (example: 8!removeanswer how are you? I'm fine, thanks!)
Kick - Kicks a member from the server (for server admins only)
Ban - Bans a member from the server (for server admins only)
Mute - Mutes a member of the server
Purge - Deletes an amount of messages under 100
Unmute - Unmutes a muted member
Warn - Warns a member
Invite - Sends a link where you can add the bot to your server
Botinfo - Gets some information about 8ball
Changelog - Shows you the latest changes of 8ball
Help - Shows a list of all commands or gets information about a specific one
Ping - Pong! Shows the ping of the bot
Server-info - Shows some inforamtion about the server
Vote - Gets the bot's DBL link where you can upvote the bot
Config - Shows or sets the configuration of the server
Last updated